To get started, download and install Product Key Finder on your computer. If you couldn’t locate your product key from the CD or the installation CD is inaccessible, then this option should be of help! With Product Key Finder program you can decrypt Windows XP product key which is stored in Windows registry. The method above works only for certain OEM CDs. Option 2: Find Windows XP Product Key from Windows Registry You will find your Windows XP product key there.Open the file UNATTEND.txt and scroll down to the last line.Explore the CD and navigate to the i386 folder.Insert the installation CD into your CD / DVD Drive.If you have misplaced your Windows XP product key, you can still recover it from your original installation CD, by follow these steps: Option 1: Find Windows XP Product Key from Your Installation CD In this article we’ll describe two options which can help you find Windows XP product key from your Windows registry or original installation CD. If you are unable to locate your product key, you’ll lose a valuable license. Lost your Windows XP product key? Or the product key sticker has fadded out? Normally the product key is on a sticker on your computer or located with the manual that came with Windows XP.